
What is back labor

Back labor

Back labor Reviewed by the BabyCenter Medical Advisory Board Last updated: December 2011 Highlights What is back labor? Is back labor related to the baby's position? What can I do to ease back labor? What is back labor?Back labor refers to the intense lower back pain that many women feel during contractions when they're giving birth. (Ultrasound was used to tell what position the babies were in.)Unfortunately, the study produced no information about how the moms-to-be in the study felt later in labor because over 90 percent of them ended up choosing an epidural for for pain management. What can I do to ease back labor?You may not be able to prevent low back pain during labor, but you can try one or more of these tactics to help relieve it:Get up on all fours. This position may reduce the pressure of your baby's head on your spine. (Take a look at our video on positions to ease labor pain.)Do pelvic tilts. Heat may ease the achiness and bring you some comfort. On the other hand, some women find cold packs more soothing or that alternating heat and cold is helpful. You may want to give both a try. This is a procedure in which small amounts of sterile water are injected just beneath the skin in four places on the lower back. The injections are temporarily painful, but afterward, the pain relief lasts for a few hours. In most cases, it provides total relief from all kinds of labor pain, including back labor.
I had back labor with my 1st. It was so bad I completely forgot all my breathing techniques. I definitely got an epidural. I thought I was dying. Then when I went into labor with my 2nd baby it wasn't bad at all. My mom was there this time to help with breathing reminders. I wasn't even gonna get an epidural. The RN even said she proud of how good I was doing. Then I hit 3 cm dialated. the back labor started while the RN was still in the room. I kept saying to my mom. It's the back labor again. I can't do this. It hurts. I flipped out again. The nurse was shocked. She called my Dr they admitted me right then. I also got my epidural. I was so exhausted that I passed out after. Only to awaken when the pressure was bad enough to push. The back labor felt like my left side was being ripped open without cutting first. I'm not at all ashamed that I got an epidural. It hurt too much!
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